Horizon Marketer: Contract Rejected E-Mail

Learn how to set up this e-mail type in Horizon Marketer

The new After Online Contract Rejected email can be set to automatically trigger an e-mail to the inspector if the client rejects the contract rather than accepts it.

To set this up:

1) Click on Profile at the top of the screen.

2) Under Section 2. Administration, go to Horizon Marketer Setup > Settings.

3) Click Create New Email. (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1


4) In the list of available styles, choose the BLANK design, then click Blank again to start the e-mail. This is because it will be sent to the Company E-Mail only. (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2

rejected25) From here you will set the parameters as follows:

Email Name Contract rejected email
Event that Triggers the Email After Online Contract Rejected
When to Send immediately
Apply to these Inspection Types ALL Invoice Line Item Types
Override Do Not Contact Leave unchecked
Subject The Contract has been rejected for INSPECTIONADDRESSSHORT

6) In the Body section at the bottom of the screen, erase all of the code then replace it with the following code (Highlighted below):

<p>Your contract has been rejected for the property at INSPECTIONADDRESSSHORT. Please follow up with the client or agent to find out why.</p><br>



7) At the bottom of the page, you can test the E-Mail by entering in your E-Mail address then clicking Send Test Email now. (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3

rejected38) Click Save and Back. (Fig. 4)

Fig. 4


9) From the list of Horizon Marketer E-Mails, turn it ON. (Fig. 5)

Fig. 5


And you're done! For any new inspections created going forward, if the client rejects your contract your company's email will get a notification.