How Do I Apply a Discount (Percentage) to an Invoice?

In this tutorial, we’ll show you the simple steps to apply a discount directly to an invoice within the Horizon platform. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to easily manage and adjust your invoices with discounts. Let's dive in!

Step 1: Open the inspection’s work order

Step 2: Click “Inspection Type and Fee”

Step 3: Click “Discount” beside the line item on the invoice you want to discount 

Step 4: Select the discount from your list of discounts

Step 5: The discount is now applied to the invoice 

Troubleshooting & FAQs

Why is my discount not applied to the invoice?
→ Confirm you have selected the discount link to the right of the service line item and select a discount from the window that pops up.

Can I create a fixed amount discount instead of a percentage?
→ Yes! See "How to Create a Specific Amount Discount."

Can I edit or delete a discount?
→ Yes! See "How to Edit or Delete a Discount."