How to Create Templates

Are you using Templates to Improve Your Workflow? If Not, Here’s How.

For many Horizon users, templates can be one of the most valuable features for an efficient workflow. Our team routinely hears feedback from customers about the significant improvements they’ve made to overall efficiency once they started using them.

So, what exactly are templates and how do we make them work for us?

Templates are pre-defined sets of comments that serve as building blocks, allowing you to quickly insert them into any inspection report to help you maintain consistency and detail. As you create more templates over time, the need for manually drafting written comments and procedures is significantly reduced.

Here are some of the key benefits of using templates:

  • Faster reporting: Templates save time by eliminating the need to manually add each item to the report.
  • Improved quality and consistency: Since you’re not making last-minute decisions about report content, templates help maintain uniformity and accuracy.
  • Flexibility: Templates can be applied to a single report multiple times, enhancing their effectiveness.
  • Customization: Templates are unique to your company and created by you, offering complete flexibility in how and what they’re used for.
  • Ease of use: Templates can be applied directly in the field using Horizon Mobile or after the inspection using the Horizon Web platform.
  • Significant time savings: When combined with Speed Write Search and preset recommendations, templates can reduce report writing time from hours to just minutes.

Ready to take the next step and start taking advantage of templates? A detailed, step-by-step guide on how to create them is available on our YouTube channel. 

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If you need further assistance with any of these steps, reach out to the Horizon Support Team at
1-800-268-7070 Option 2, 2. We’re here to help.